(This article was written by Abigail Muniz-Garcia and was featured in the January 2025 issue of Explore Harlingen Magazine.)
The 3rd Annual Family Comedy Night is set for Friday, January 17, 2025 at 7 pm. This year, it will be happening at the Harlingen Community Theatre. The event, which is being organized by the North Harlingen Rotary Club, is an initiative that benefits a different nonprofit organization every year.

This year, the fundraiser will benefit AdoptaPlatoon, a nonprofit organization that supports the nation’s deployed men and women. It was founded in 1998 and is dedicated to “providing ongoing care packages to improve quality of life and raising morale for those serving overseas in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corp, Coast Guard, and Special Forces,” according to their website.
“AdoptAPlatoon is based in Rio Hondo (locally). They started a long time ago. They send a flat rate box that troops really appreciate… candy, socks, hand sanitizer,” Landon Jennings, a member of the Rotary Club, said.

“We thought this comedy night would be something special. It’s appropriate for kids to come also,” Jennings said. “It’s family friendly… not a lot of dirty jokes or foul language. It takes a little extra effort to find those types of acts. Our budget is limited, but it’s something we really wanted to do.”
The North Harlingen Rotary Club is composed of volunteers who are part of a global network of 1.4 million who dedicate their time and skills to solve any issues and address needs in the communities they serve.
Jennings has been a member since 2014 and remembers when the comedy night was just an idea.
“We do what we can,” he said. “It took a little bit longer to get the dream of a comedy night started, but we had our first one in January 2023. Last year we had just over 200 people attend. This year, I’m hoping to eclipse that.”

He mentioned that it was important for the proceeds of the event to go to a cause that would benefit something local and the community.
“One of the big decisions is who or what organization we want to support,” Jennings said. The last two years... it’s been something local, a local organization.”

The event will feature Wes Barker, a comedian magician, and Byron Trimble, a standup comedian. Visit rotarynorthharlingen.org for more information or to purchase tickets for the event. You can also scan the QR code in the event flyer. Follow the Rotary Club on Facebook (@NorthHarlingenRotary).